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Ways to Get Involved

Message from Superintendent Scuderi

Whether you are a continuing member of a round table, oversight committee, PTA, or stakeholder advisory group, interested in joining one of these groups, or just wondering how you can learn more about AUSD and our schools, we appreciate your willingness to engage with AUSD staff and contribute to our efforts to continuously improve.

Both our central office and our school sites have long supported numerous ways for families to be involved. Our current goal is to support a slightly more intentional and formalized channel of communication with these groups. Specifically, we want to ensure that notes, comments, and suggestions from these gatherings make their way back to staff both to inform current practice and generate awareness of the ongoing and dynamic needs of our diverse community as they evolve. 

In addition, we would like to utilize some of these meetings as a way to “workshop” and solicit input on our developing district-wide Strategic Plan. As you may remember, in January of 2020 AUSD completed its graduate profile - which serves as the “North Star” of our strategic planning process after a significant and inclusive development process that included suggestions from more than 1100 staff members and stakeholders. Our goal had been to spend the spring of 2020 drafting a multi-year strategic plan, the first draft of which was to be submitted to the Board in June of 2020. With the pandemic spiking in March of 2020, and the majority of the 2020-2021 school year spent in a state of uncertainty and improvisation, the development process had to be paused.

However, despite the sustained challenges posed by COVID-19 this fall, we believe we can get our long-term planning back on track and submit a draft strategic plan to the Board this year. Our hope is to be able to visit various stakeholder groups this year to get perspective and ideas on this effort as it develops.

How can families lend their perspectives and suggestions to what happens in schools?

A variety of stakeholders have told us they would like to better understand how families and caregivers can participate in various aspects of district decision-making and operations. Below we list the existing channels for family engagement. AUSD is committed to maintaining, growing, and diversifying these channels to ensure a broad-base of stakeholder input, ideas, and thinking help shape our collective community efforts for kids.


Psquale Scuderi


Alameda Unified School District