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Technology Resources

AUSD Student Chromebooks Grades 1 - 12

Alameda USD provides 1 to 1  Chromebooks to students in grades 1‐12 to enhance classroom instruction and ensure that all students have access to next generation curriculum/supports during the school day. This curriculum differs from textbooks as it provides a digitally enhanced and an information-rich environment that prepares students for higher education and the modern workplace.

Elementary and some secondary sites have 1:1 Chromecarts in classrooms so that students will have access to a designated Chromebook during the school day.  At other secondary sites, students entering middle or high school are issued a Chromebook that they keep until they are promoted from 8th grade, graduate, or otherwise leave the district.

FAQS For Chromebook Use

Managing Students Online Experience

Technology Issues

Check in with your student's teacher or other educators at your school who can assist with basic support, IDs and passwords.
You may also open a ticket through AUSD Technology Services ticketing system FreshService or call our Help Desk at (510) 337-7165.
For self-help tutorials created by teachers and students, visit the 
AUSD Family TECH Support Hub.