COVID-19 Information
Since March 2020, AUSD's goal has been to both provide strong academic and emotional supports to students and staff and timely, accurate, and transparent information about public health orders to our community. As those orders and guidelines change for public schools, we have communicated and implemented them as quickly as possible.
This page provides links to information about COVID-19 from both AUSD and other agencies. The education and well-being of our students is our priority, and we remain committed to providing our community with credible information about this public health situation.
AUSD COVID-19 Liaison Team
COVID-19 & Infectious Illness Symptom and Positive Case Reporting Form
Looking for the reporting form? Go to your school's home page, and select "Family Resources." From the drop-down menu, select "COVID-19 & Infectious Illness Symptom and Positive Case Reporting Form." That will open the form for your school.