Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
In 2012, AUSD began implementing a Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Program in our school sites. PBIS is a proactive and school-wide approach to defining, teaching and supporting appropriate student behavior. It emphasizes acknowledging and directly teaching appropriate behavior over punishing. It also provides a continuum of supports for students who struggle to meet the school expectations"
PBIS is generally implemented as a schoolwide program, so that students learn that the same behavioral expectations apply to every classroom, as well as areas outside the classrooms (including the hallways, cafeteria, restrooms, and outside spaces). That way all students are receiving the same guidelines, the same consequences, and the same supports. That kind of consistency and clarity has been shown to help students learn.
A Three-Tiered Approach
The PBIS framework incorporates three tiers.
PBIS Elements
Not every school site’s PBIS program is the same. But all robust PBIS programs consist of:
- Clearly defined school-wide expectations
- Explicit teaching on the expectations
- Acknowledgment of appropriate behaviors
- Data collection
- Individual support where needed
- Active support by all stakeholders
Clearly defined school-wide expectations
Explicit teaching on the expectations
Acknowledgment of appropriate behaviors
Data collection
Individual support where needed
Active support by all stakeholders
PBIS Benefits
Research has shown that the benefits of PBIS include:
- Increased attendance
- Student self-reports of a more positive and calm environment
- Teacher reports of a more positive and calm environment
- Reduction in the percentage of students who engage in behavioral disruptions
- Reduction in the number of behavioral disruptions