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FAQ's About Enrollment and Transfers

Enrollment Questions

What documents are required for enrollment?
You can find the list of required documents here.

Am I able to choose my child's school when we enroll?
Students in Alameda Unified are assigned to a resident school determined by their home address.  You can determine which school is in your attendance zone at this link.  AUSD School Finder
If a family wishes for their child to attend a different Alameda Unified school they can apply for an intra-district transfer. These transfers are approved based on space availability at the school requested.

Can I enroll my child in the middle of the school year?
YES! We enroll students for school after the school year has begun. Students can be enrolled throughout the school year up to 10 days before the last day of school.

When my child is promoted to middle school and high school, do I need to re-enroll them?
Current AUSD students do not need to re-enroll when promoting from TK to K, 5th grade to 6th grade or from 8th grade to 9th grade.
Students who transfer into Alameda Unified from a Charter or private school need to enroll as a new student (even if the student attended AUSD at any point in the past).

If my student is currently enrolled in an AUSD Tk program, do I have to re-enroll for kindergarten the following year?
No. Students that are currently enrolled in an AUSD school in TK does not have to reenroll the following year. They will automatically rollover to their zoned school for kindergarten.

Is NEA, ACLC and AOA part of AUSD?
No. These schools handle their own enrollment and do not fall under AUSD.

Can my TK student stay at the school they attended TK if it is not their home school?
No. All students in TK who are not attending their home school will automatically be enrolled to their home zoned school for K-5th grades.  If you would like to be enrolled at your TK school for K-5th grades you will have to complete an intra district transfer request. (insert link)

If my student is currently attending a school outside of AUSD but has attended an AUSD school in the past, do I still have to re-enroll my student if I wish for my them to return to the district?
Yes. Anytime a student leaves the district for more than 30 days, parents must enroll them upon return.

Intra District Transfers (Current AUSD students that reside in Alameda)

What is an intra district transfer request?                                                                                                                                                  An intra district transfer request is used by families living in Alameda when they wish for their students to attend an AUSD school other than their home school.  

How do I request an intra district transfer?                                                                                                                                                You can request an intra district transfer for the current school year here                                                                                                You can request an intra district transfer for the next school year (25/26) beginning on January 27, 2025 here

How will I know the status of my intra district transfer request? 
Once submitted,  your intra district transfer is considered pending. You will be contacted if your transfer request has been approved. If the AUSD Enrollment office has not contacted your, the request has not been approved. This can happen at anytime throughout the school year.  

Can I check the status of my intra district transfer request?                                                                                                                The enrollment office can check to see that your request was submitted correctly. A confirmation page will appear once you submit the request.  Please save this page as your proof of submission for your records. Once submitted, your intra-district transfer request is considered pending. You will be contacted if your transfer request has been approved. If the AUSD Enrollment office has not contacted you, the request has not been approved. Approval can happen at any time throughout the school year. 

Will I be notified of my number on the transfer request list?
No, numbers are not provided because approval is based on priority, no matter when the request was made. The priorities are as follows:

A. Space Availability
B. Health and Safety (documentation required)
C. Sibling/s already attending the requested school
D. All others in sequential order received

Other factors include, attendance (10 or less tardies, no unexcused absences, or truancy issues), grades (2.0 or above) and satisfactory citizenship.

Inter District Transfers (non-Alameda residents)

What is an inter district transfer?                                                                                                                                                                  An inter district transfer request is required for families living outside the City of Alameda who wish for their student(s) to attend an AUSD school.

When is Alameda Unified accepting inter district transfer request?                                                                                                  AUSD accepts inter district transfer requests for the current school year by going here                                                                        AUSD will begin taking requests for the 25/26 school year on March 3, 2025. You can find the steps and required document information here

When are inter district transfer requests decided?                                                                                                                                  Current school year requests, during the school year, will be reviewed for approval or denial within 30 days of application submittal. 2025/26 school year requests are considered for approval or denial after all Alameda resident students are in place. This means you will not know about approval or denial with AUSD until after August 11, 2025 and through August 29, 2025.

How are inter district transfer requests decided?                                                                                                                                    For an inter-district transfer to be approved, the student's resident district must approve the student leaving their district and AUSD must approve the student coming into the district. When both school districts approve an inter-district transfer, they enter into an agreement for the student to attend school in the receiving district.
Applications are considered based on the following items:
A. Space available in the grade requested
B. Fails to make appropriate academic efforts (ex. GPA below a 2.0 average in middle and high school)
C. Fails to uphold appropriate behavior standards
D. Attendance history (excessively tardy or absent, or is brought excessively early or left excessively late)
F. False or misleading information is provided