Asian Pacific Islander Round Table
Our Mission
The Asian Pacific Islander (API) Round Table is made up of caregivers, students, district staff, board of education members, and community leaders that work together to ensure academic success and social-emotional well-being for API students.
Our Goals
Our multifaceted approach for achieving success and well-being across our diverse community include:
- Ensuring equitable access to opportunities that lead to academic success and social-emotional well-being for all API students
- Reducing covert acts of bias and overt acts of hate
- Building more accurate intra- and inter-community knowledge of complex API experiences and histories
- Recognize and celebrate individual experiences and accomplishments
- Be a safe space where needs and concerns of API community members are heard
- Be a powerful collective API voice
- Build solidarity with other communities working towards a just society
- Capture the ongoing history of our community and work
2021-2022 Action Plan
Our Round Table, which includes folks who self-identify as API and API allies, is currently refining our action plan for the 2021-2022 school year:
- Collecting and analyzing data on API student academic success, social-emotional well-being, and staff representation
- Collecting API student, family, and community input to better understanding the economic, linguistic, social-emotional, and academic needs of our students
- Auditing the curriculum for API representation
- Beginning the process to disaggregate Asian and Pacific Islander ethnicity data
- Developing relationships and community with others working on DEI initiatives
The API Round Table meets every 4th Thursday of the month at 6:15 pm. Please email the co-chairs for the Zoom link.
We represent multiple lived experiences -- cultures, generations, personal and professional backgrounds, and welcome folks from all walks of life that want to learn about and improve the experiences of our API students and families.