Engineering Reports for AUSD School Sites
After geotechnical and structural engineering reports revealed the vulnerabilities of the structures on the Lum Elementary School campus, the district commissioned studies of all soils and foundations at all other AUSD school sites. The reports found that the particular conditions found at Lum Elementary School - i.e., a combination of soils that are likely to liquefy and foundations that are inadequate to withstand that liquefaction - do not exist at AUSD's other sites.
The results can be found in the reports below.
Soils and Foundations Reports
- Amelia Earhart Elementary
- Bay Farm School
- Edison Elementary School
- Franklin Elementary School
- Love Elementary School
- Maya Lin Elementary School
- Otis Elementary School
- Paden Elementary School
- Ruby Bridges Elementary School
- Lincoln Middle School
- Wood Middle School
- Alameda High School
- Encinal Jr/Sr High School
- Island School (at Longfellow Campus)
- WCDC (at Longfellow Campus)