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Haight Name Selection Process

For full background on the Haight renaming initiative, please see our Haight Renaming Committee page.


Under AUSD policy, a school can be renamed for:

  • Individuals, living or deceased, who have made contributions to the community, county, state, nation or world

  • The geographic area in which the school or building is located

  • Curricular concentration or concepts or approaches to education

Based on these parameters, the renaming committee members decided the school should be named after someone or something that embodies the following values:

  • Diversity

  • Inclusivity

  • Community leader

  • Involved in education

  • Local connection and/or impact

  • Devoted to civil rights/social justice/equity

The committee also decided that if the school was named after a person, that person should be deceased.


Alameda Journal: "Recommendations Wanted for Renaming Haight" (09/07/2018)

Alameda Journal: "Panels Weigh Renaming Haight, Combining Schools" (09/13/2018)

Alameda Magazine: "Removing Hate from Haight" (November, 2018)

Alameda Patch: "Vote Thursday for Renaming Haight" (11/14/2018)

NBC: "Community to Vote on Proposal to Rename Haight Elementary School" (11/14/2018)

AUSD: "Haight Elementary Chooses Love" (12/5/2018)

Alameda Sun: "Committee Votes to Rename Haight Love"

AUSD: Comment Period Open for Haight Renaming Process"



The submission period for names was open from August 29 to October 12.  The submission opportunity was publicized to both Haight Elementary School and the wider community. The committee chose four names from the names that fit the criteria (two submitted by students and two submitted by adults). Those names were Don Grant Elementary School, Neilsen Tam Elementary School, Love Elementary School, and Ohlone Elementary School. 


More detail on the name selection is available in this FAQ


Primary Election

Students, families,and staff voted on those names in a "primary" election on November 6, 2018. All students received Voter Guides to learn about each candidate and how the election would work. The Voter Guides were also translated into several languages and made available to families and staff.


A total of 727 people participated in the election, including 496 (90%) students, 34 (68%) teachers and staff, 197 (~18%) parents. The winning name was "Love."


Naming for Haight
Name/Candidate Percentage of Votes

Love Elementary School


Don Grant Elementary School


Ohlone Elementary School


Nielsen Tam Elementary School



General Election

Students, staff, families, neighbors, and alumni had a chance to vote between "Haight" and "Love" on November 15.  


General Election
Name/Candidate Number of Votes Percentage of Votes

Love Elementary School



Haight Elementary School





As mandated in AR 7310, on January 15, 2019, representatives of the Haight Renaming Committee submitted a recommendation to change the name (PDF) of the school from "Haight Elementary" to "Love Elementary."  Superintendent McPhetridge accepted the recommendation and passed it on to the Board of Education at its January 22 public meeting. The Board accepted comments on the proposed name through April 15 and voted  to change it to "Love" at its April 23 meeting.