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2024 CAASPP Scores Letter for Families

May/June 2024

Dear Families:  

For the last seven years  AUSD has been administering the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). This statewide test helps us determine whether students have acquired the English Language Arts, Science, and Mathematics skills for specific grade levels. In addition, students who have been identified as English Learners upon enrollment take the English Language Proficiency Assessment of California (ELPAC) every year. 

As we noted in our March 2024 letter, these state assessments are important because they provide information about the effectiveness of our public education system and programs. The more information we have about our system, the more proactive measures we can take to ensure it’s benefiting all families and equipping all students to succeed in reaching the standards that will close opportunity gaps.

Your child takes the following statewide tests, depending on their grade level or instructional program:

  • Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (SBAC) for English Language Arts and Math (required in grades 3–8 and 11)
  • California Science Test (CAST) (required in grades 5,8, and once in high school)
  • California Alternate Assessments (CAA) in Math, ELA, and Science for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities (required in the same corresponding grades above)
  • English Language Proficiency Assessment of California (ELPAC) and Alternate ELPAC for students in any grade whose primary language is a language other than English.

The purpose of this letter is to ensure you know how to access and understand your students’ scores on the above statewide assessments when it becomes available. Each report includes an overall score for each subject, and information about how well your child did in different skill areas. If your child took the assessment in past years, you will also see past scores showing their progress over time. Below is a summary of when you can expect to see your child’s scores in the Aeries Family Portal.

Statewide Assessment Student Score Report Availability
SBAC ELA and Math May-June
CAA ELA, Math, and Science September-October
CAST June-July
ELPAC May-August

How to access your students’ scores:

1. Log into the Aeries Family Portal

2. Click on “Test Scores” on the home page

3. Click on “State Test Score Reports” again on the next page

4. This brings up your child’s scores for this spring. 

You can find out more about your child’s ELA, Math, and Science results by visiting the parent web page, Starting Smarter web page. For more information about the ELPAC results, visit the ELPAC Starting Smarter page.  Both sites include:

  • resources to help understand results on the student score reports.
  • access to sample test questions and practice tests.
  • no-cost resources to support learning.
  • a guide for parent-teacher conferences.

If you need assistance accessing the Aeries Family Portal, please visit our Aeries Family Portal webpage.

Please reach out to your teacher or site administrator for more information.

The AUSD Data & Assessment Department