Comprehensive School Safety Plans
On September 27, 2018, Governor Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 1747 School Safety Plans.
California Education Code (EC) Section 32281(a) requires each school district to develop and maintain Comprehensive School Safety Plans (CSSP) for its schools operating kindergarten or any of grades 1 through 12. The School Safety Plans will address campus risks, prepare for emergencies, and create a safe, secure learning environment for students and school personnel.
Key components of the School Safety Plan are:
- Assessment of school safety; school crimes committed on school campuses and at school-related functions
- Child abuse reporting procedures
- Disaster procedures to include earthquake emergency procedures and fire drills, routine and emergency plans, and crisis response plan with adaptations for pupils with disabilities
- School building disaster plans for bomb threat, bioterrorism/hazardous materials, earthquake, flood, power failure/blackout, intruders/solicitors, weapons/assault/hostage, explosion, gas/fumes
- Rules and procedures on school discipline and suspension/expulsion policies and procedures
- Procedures to notify teachers of dangerous students
- Discrimination and harassment policy that includes hate crime reporting procedures and policies
- Schoolwide dress code if it exists, that includes prohibition of gang-related apparel
- Procedures of safe ingress and egress of students, parents/guardians, and school employees
- Maintenance of a safe and orderly enrivonment conducive to learning
- Procedures to allow a public agency to use school buildings, grounds, and equipment for mass care and welfare shelters during an emergency
- Proceduress for conducting tactical responses to criminal incidents, including inidiviuals with guns on school campuses and at school-related functions
School Safety plans are required to be updated by March 1 annually. The 2022-23 CSSPs for Alameda Unified School District were approved by the Board of Education on March 28, 2023. All CSSPs are available for review upon request with the Educational Services Department at the District Office located at 2060 Challenger Drive. You may also contact the respective school sites on the AUSD website.