Anti-Bias and Anti-Bullying Resources
Establishing and maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for ALL members of the AUSD community is a collective responsibility shared by staff, students, and parents/guardians. Our efforts to support all students in reaching their highest academic and personal potential begins with safety and inclusivity.
AUSD’s stated vision of preparing students to be responsible citizens must include instruction in how to embrace diversity, stand up to bias, and critically evaluate the events taking place in the local, national, and international communities. We have developed this page to provide teachers, staff, parents, and guardians with resources on talking to students about hate, bias, bigotry, and intolerance.
The Anti-Defamation League's recommended texts on bias, diversity, and social justice list is searchable by keyword and filterable by topic. Each text includes a recommended age range.
The Teaching Tolerance Text Library includes information and literary nonfiction texts, literature, photographs, political cartoons, interviews, infographics, and more. The library is searchable by grade level, topic, text type, social justice domain (identity, diversity justice, action), and subject.