2019-20 LCAP (PDF)
2018-19 LCAP (PDF)
2018-19 LCAP (Revised per ACOE clarifying questions)
2017-18 LCAP (PDF)
2016-17 LCAP (PDF)
2015-16 LCAP (PDF)
2014-15 LCAP (PDF)
2023-24 LCAP
2022-23 LCAP
LCAP Series
2021-22 LCAP
2020-21 LCP
2019-20 LCAP
WestEd LCFF/LCAP Implementation
Ed Trust-West LCFF/LCAP Resources
California PTA LCAP/LCFF Resources
LCFF Funding and State Priorities Snapshots
The California Department of Education (CDE) also provides a host of resources for stakeholders to understand LCFF and LCAP. These can be accessed here: CDE LCAP Resources