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Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)


The three-year Local Control and Accountability Plan describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for local educational agencies (LEAs) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs.

Enacted along with California's new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) regulations, the LCAP includes the requirement that districts outline their use of LCFF Supplemental and Concentration grant funding. The district must use these funds primarily to serve unduplicated students. Unduplicated students are those students who are Socioeconomically Disadvantaged or English Learners. As a district with less than 55% unduplicated students, AUSD does not receive Concentration grant funding. AUSD does receive supplemental grant funding. This funding is used for centralized actions/services as well as distributed to sites for site-based unduplicated student supports.

AUSD facilitates the funding process through a number of committees, including the Community Advisory Committee, School Site Councils, PTAs, English Learner Advisory Committees, and employee groups. AUSD has a strong record of stakeholder engagement in district-level planning and continues to partner with these committees in shaping the district’s vision and actions for the coming years.

In 2020, the California Department of Education mandated that school districts provide "Learning Continuity and Attendance Plans" (LCPs) instead of LCAPs. The LCPs should document the impacts of COVID-19 on instructional programs, the ways that districts responded, how they plan to respond in 2020-21, and how they will spend their federal CARES funds.

 LCAP Guardians & Family Input Survey

LCAP Meetings Calendar

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