Q: What is ELOP?
A: An expanded Learning Opportunities (After School) Program offered to all students who qualify for Free and Reduced Price Meals, and who are homeless or foster youth.
Q: Who is providing the Summer Camp this year? Right at School, a national organization that sets up summer and afterschool care, will be running the AUSD Summer Camp.
Q: Where is the Summer Intersession this year?
A: The Summer Camp will be held at Love Elementary School for all ELOP students throughout the island.
Q: How do I apply for the ELOP Summer Camp?
A: Registration is now closed for the 2024 Summer Camp.
Q: When will I find out if my child is accepted?
A: Upon registration, you receive a confirmation from Right at School.
Q: What will the program include?
A: The program will include Science/STEAM exploration, physical activity, themed activities, crafts, community building, and games. In addition, we will offer small group support to students who have been identified as needing academic support.
Q: I received this message about qualifying for this program but my child does not meet any of the criteria. Why did I get this message?
A: During the yearly data confirmation, you may have submitted a response that indicates your student meets these qualifications. For example, you may have indicated that your child speaks a language in addition to English on the Home Language Survey or your response on the Income Survey qualifies your child to participate.
Q: What are the Summer Intersession program hours each day?
A: 8:30-5:30 pm.
Q: Does my child need to stay for the entire day? What if we have plans to travel for part of the time the program runs?
A: We encourage students to participate for the full day if able but understand if you have other commitments. Early pick-up can be arranged with the program coordinator.
Q. Why are some students receiving an invitation that don’t seem to meet the criteria?
A: Some families may not realize that they qualify for free and reduced priced meals due to how the data is collected. The district uses several methods to collect the information that qualifies a student, including Free and Reduced Meal applications and direct certification through other programs such as CalFRESH, CalWORKS, and MediCal.
Please note that school staff and administrators cannot see how or if a student qualifies based on any of these methods. There is a possibility that a parent filled out an application or the income survey incorrectly or qualified at the start of the school year and no longer qualifies. Some don’t realize
that their income bracket qualifies their student. If a parent hasn’t filled out a free and reduced meals application this year, they should. Qualifying via the application process has added benefits. Read more on the
Food and Nutrition Services webpage.
Q: How do I get out of the ELOP list if our family does not qualify?
Q: How can families qualify for ELOP Programs?
A: If a family's financial circumstances change, they are encouraged to fill out a free and reduced meals application. You can apply on the
Food and Nutrition Services webpage.
Q: What about the school year? Will there be ELOP afterschool programs at my school?
A: Yes. All elementary schools will host a free afterschool program for students who qualify for Free and Reduced Price Meals or are homeless or foster youth. Lincoln and Wood Middle Schools, as well as the Encinal Jr. Jets program, will offer programs for 6th graders.
Families who do not qualify for FRPM will have the choice to participate in the fee-based programs at the school sites as well. The State of California requires that we give priority registration for the ELOP program to those who qualify first. Please check our
Afterschool Care page for more information and please check your ParentSquare accounts for emails that went out the week of March 20 about these programs.