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Wood Middle School Construction and Modernization


At its June 27, 2023 public meeting, the Board of Education approved a major re-design and construction project at Wood Middle School. Although the original plan had been to modernize the 1965 campus, after some investigation, the architects and design committee realized that the campus needed so much work - including significant improvement in the educational environments - that even an extensive modernization would not be adequate. As a result, the design committee ultimately decided that creating a new campus and buildings was the best step.

The approved design will provide a new two-story classroom building, a new adminstration/library building, and a new gymnasium. The existing primary classroom building will be removed, but the existing MPR building will remain.The campus will include a new access road that will lead to parking for the future Alameda High School athletic stadium (see below), as well as gardens and other green spaces. 

The final design incorporated feedback from 12 meetings with the Design Committee, principals, teachers, and the City of Alameda and also took into account engineering, surveying, and soil investigations.

The total project budget is $80,800,000.

Schematic of quad surrounded by new buildings at WMS


In December, 2024 AUSD sent a letter to the Wood Middle School neighborhood to discuss construction and potential noise from construction that would begin in mid January.

Read the letter

WMS Project Information

Schematic Designs

Lum School Demolition FAQ

Construction FAQ

Wood Middle School CEQA Process and Public Comment

Board Presentations

Committee Meeting Notes