AUSD’s protocols for students who test positive for COVID-19 or who have symptoms of COVID-19 will change slightly in this new school year, especially in terms of what families need to provide for their students to return to school.
We still ask families of students who have tested positive to:
Complete the “COVID-19 Symptoms and Positive Cases" form under the Family Resources tab of your school's home page.
Read the automatically generated instructions you will receive
Keep your child home for five days
Students can still return on Day 6 as long as their symptoms are improving and they have been fever free for 24 hours
And we still ask families of students who are symptomatic to:
Complete the “COVID-19 Symptoms and Positive Cases" form under the Family Resources tab of your school's home page.
Read the automatically generated instructions you will receive
Test your child when symptoms appear and again in several days (rapid tests are available at all school sites)
·Students can return once their symptoms are improving and they have been fever free for 24 hours.
The big change, however, is that AUSD no longer requires a negative test for either positive or symptomatic students to return to school. Instead, we ask that families keep students home until they are symptom free.
This protocol aligns with the most up-to-date guidelines from both the California Department of Public Health and the Alameda County Public Health Department.
For more information, please see our COVID-19 Protocols web page.