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Dear Families,
Students and families alike have asked me about AUSD’s plan for supporting LGBTQ students and families over the next four years.
The concerns expressed generally focus on whether AUSD will continue to support its LGBTQ students and families if the incoming federal administration takes a less accepting stance over the next four years. 
My answer is an unequivocal and obvious, yes.
AUSD’s values and policies will remain consistent with our past practices. As such, our district and school communities will continue to: 
  • Accept, welcome, and support its LGBTQ students, staff, and families   
  • Provide curricula that includes LGBTQ history as mandated by the State of California 
  • Provide curricula that includes healthy sexuality information for students of all sexualities and gender identifications, in a developmentally appropriate way 
  • Provide structured elementary school curriculum that teaches students basic vocabulary about identity, gender and sexuality, as well as lessons about the importance of inclusion, kindness, and respect, also in a developmentally appropriate way 
  • Provide gender neutral bathrooms at our school sites 
  • Support Gay Straight Alliances at our middle and high schools and Rainbow Clubs at our elementary schools 
  • Provide professional development on supporting LGBTQ students to teachers and administrators, including understanding and using students’ preferred pronouns. 
In addition to maintaining existing supports, Melissa Saunders, MS, MA, PPSC, AUSD’s LGBTQ Liaison and a licensed district counselor has developed several new supports this school year, including: 
  • “Let’s Talk About It…” modules that provide information on how to have constructive family conversations with students about a wide range of difficult topics, including immigration, body diversity, racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, and hate speech. These modules were developed by Melissa Saunders, MS, MA, PPSC, AUSD’s LGBTQ Liaison and a licensed district counselor.
    • Ms. Saunders developed similar modules for our teachers.
    • Every month we will host Family Forums on one of these topics and encourage teachers and families to engage in dialogue with their students about it.
  • Reminders to staff about our Administrative Regulation 5145.71, which emphasizes that district personnel are required to address a students by the name and pronoun(s) that are consistent with the student’s gender identity.  
If you have questions or concerns about AUSD’s policies and programs in support of its LGBTQ community members, I encourage you to reach out. 
Federal stances and policies may indeed change. School districts, however, are under local control, and AUSD’s polices, programs, and values will remain the same, and we will continue to focus on providing safe and equitable learning spaces for all. 
All of our kids, means all of our kids, all of the time.
Pasquale Scuderi