In response to reports of a possible weapon in the area, Alameda Unified placed six district schools in a shelter-in-place early this afternoon. Three charter schools also sheltered in place.
Superintendent Pasquale Scuderi sent the following statement to all families and staff once the shelter-in-place had lifted:
This afternoon at approximately 1:20 p.m. our team briefly put 6 AUSD schools and three local charter schools into a “shelter in place” protocol. The protocol was initiated in response to reports from the Alameda Police Department about a possible incident involving a firearm in the area of 5th street and Ralph Appezatto. The exact nature of that incident or concern is still being determined.
The impacted schools included Encinal, Paden, Ruby Bridges, ASTI, the child development center, and Island High. Charter school partners included Academy of Alameda (AOA), ACLC, and NEA.
The shelter in place was lifted at approximately 1:39.
We are pleased that all students and staff were safe throughout the incidents.
We appreciate our ongoing partnership with Alameda PD and the always diligent work of our administrators and teachers who take care of kids every day, and especially during events like this.
Should we receive additional relevant information we will pass it along.
We will always act in an abundance of caution when the safety of our students and staff are in any way compromised.
Pasquale Scuderi