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A poster that says "Ramadan Mubarak" and shows a crescent moon

Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar and a time of fasting and spiritual reflection for Muslims, begins at sundown on March 22 and is expected to conclude on Friday, April 21, with the appearance of the crescent moon. During this holy month, Muslim students and staff may fast from sunrise to sunset and require time for praying.

We ask that the AUSD community be mindful of the Muslim community by:

  • Refraining from planning food-centered activities or events during Friday prayers.

  • Offering students non-food-centered spaces during lunch (e.g., classrooms or libraries)

  • Allowing students and staff the time and space to pray.

  • Incorporating lessons about Islam in the classroom.

  • Not drawing attention to or singling out Muslim students and staff.

Resources about talking to students about Ramadan are available on the Unity Productions Foundation website and at the Alameda Free Library.

Thank you for making AUSD a safe, equitable, and inclusive space for all. Ramadan Mubarak to students, families, and staff observing Ramadan!