Issued By: Superintendent Pasquale Scuderi (510) 337-7060 and
Board President Jennifer Williams (510) 337-7187
Gary Lym, Ryan LaLonde Win Board of Education Seats
Alameda, California — December 9, 2022 — Board Member Gary Lym was elected to his third term on AUSD’s Board of Education, and Ryan Lalonde was elected for his first term, final results from the November 8 election show.
As of December 8, when the Alameda County Registrar of Voters certified the election, Mr. Lym had won 39.58% of the votes, and Mr. LaLonde had received 30.63%. The two other candidates, Maria Elena Moreno Van Maren and Leland Traiman received 15.01% and 14.78% of the votes, respectively.
The two community members will be sworn in at the December 13 Board of Education meeting and will begin their four-year terms immediately thereafter.
“I would like to congratulate these two dedicated community members as they begin their new terms as Board of Education members,” said Superintendent Pasquale Scuderi. “I am looking forward both to working with both of them over the coming years and benefiting from their perspectives and areas of focus.
“I would also like to thank Board Member Ardella Dailey, who stepped in to fill Mia Bonta’s seat in September of 2021,” Superintendent Scuderi continued. “Board Member Dailey has provided steadiness, experience, and a strong focus on equity over the last 15 months, and we deeply appreciate her.”
Also at the December 13 Board meeting, President Jennifer Williams will step down from her role as Board President, and Board Member Heather Little will assume that position. Board Member Megan Sweet will become Vice President. Members currently rotate through the positions of Clerk, Vice President, and President.
“I am grateful for the opportunity I had to serve this district as Board President,” Williams said, “and I welcome Board Member Little to the role. Despite the challenges of the last several years, AUSD is on an exciting path, and I am confident that Mr. Lym and Mr. LaLonde will support us on that journey.”
Board of Education members serve for four years. According to the California School Boards Association, school boards, which serve as governance teams, have five primary responsibilities: setting direction; establishing an effective and efficient structure; providing support; ensuring accountability; and providing community leadership as advocates for children, the school district, and public school.