Issued By:
Superintendent Pasquale Scuderi (510) 337-7060
Board President Jennifer Williams (510) 337-7187
Alameda, Calif. — Thursday, November 10, 2022 — At its November 8 public meeting, AUSD’s Board of Education voted to approve a 7.07% salary increase for both CSEA 27 (which represents office/technical workers and paraprofessionals) and CSEA 860 (which represents custodial, maintenance, and food service workers). Non-represented management employees will also receive this salary increase.
Tuesday night’s ratification last month of a new three-year contract with the Alameda Education Association, which included a 6% salary increase, increased hourly rates for extra hours worked by members, and an increased medical benefit contribution by the District. The two CSEA units received a higher salary increase because AUSD and AEA agreed to put money towards other AEA priorities, including members’ health benefits, rather than straight salary. All employee groups received the same overall percentage increase.
“AUSD’s salaries have long lagged behind those of other districts in the county,” says Superintendent Pasquale Scuderi. “The community’s approval of Measure A was absolutely crucial in getting us to the county average. These new raises will help us keep pace with neighboring districts, who continue to increase their salaries. I am grateful for the hard work of both negotiating teams, as these increases will help us retain and attract high-quality employees.”
Adds Board President Jennifer Williams, “As a board, we continue to be impressed and grateful for the way our district staff and labor partners work together to come to agreement on salary, benefits, and other workplace matters. Their ability to collaborate through what can be difficult conversations shows the profound commitment that AUSD employees have for the organization’s core mission of educating and supporting students.”
Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) serves about 8500 students in Alameda, California, an island community in the San Francisco Bay Area. For more information, please visit the AUSD website, follow @AUSDNews on Twitter, or refer to the AUSD Facebook page. Questions? Contact Susan Davis, Senior Manager, Community Affairs, at