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Carnegie Learning is aligned with common core standards, centers best practice math instruction, and provides translations.

At its public meeting on June 14, 2022, the Board of Education approved the adoption of a new math curriculum for AUSD middle schools.

The curriculum, “Carnegie Learning,” will be implemented this coming school year.

Two year process

AUSD’s curriculum adoption committee, which was comprised of AUSD teachers, administrators, and staff, began the selection process in 2020-21. That year, the committee developed selection criteria and evaluation rubrics, reviewed eight popular curricula (including having five publishers present to the committee), and selected four to pilot in 2021-22.

Ultimately the committee chose Carnegie Learning because it:


  • Is fully aligned with common core content and practice standards, as well as AUSD’s Strategic Plan 

  • Centers effective math teaching practices including discourse-centered lessons based on meaningful tasks, multiple representations, and purposeful questions to develop students’ reasoning and communication skills 

  • Includes a robust portfolio of student supports 

  • Provides tools for teachers to plan and deliver lessons, create and grade assignments and assessments, track student progress 

  • Uses standards-aligned assessments and platform to provide information for differentiation, small group instruction, standards focused grading 

  • Includes software that allows for individualized instruction and practice

  • Meets the needs of students receiving special education services

  • Provides  text to speech, full Spanish translation and pages designed to work seamlessly with Google Translate Chrome Plug-in to provide access in more than 25 languages 

AUSD’s middle school math curriculum was last updated more than five years ago. To learn how to use the new curriculum effectively, eachers will participate  professional development through Carnigie Learning  beginning this summer and will have ongoing training as they implement it.

“We are excited to introduce this new curriculum in the 2022-23 school year, as it provides so many innovative supports for teachers and students alike. Middle school math is a crucial bridge to high school mathematics, and we want to be sure all of our students have access to the most meaningful and robust program available.”