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Parcel Tax Exemption Information


Under state law, Alameda property owners who are 65 years or older and/or

an older woman sitting on a couch looking at laptop

who receive SSI/SSDI are eligible to be exempted from AUSD's parcel taxes. 

To apply for this exemption, you need to be:

  • 65 years of age prior to July 1 of the upcoming fiscal year (July 1 - June 30)
  • Receiving SSI or SSDI, regardless of your age

You can submit your application by:

  • Filling out a paper form or
  • Using our online portal

Both applications are available to the right.

In addition to filling out basic information on the application (such as name, birth date, and address), you will need to provide:

  • A current property tax bill
  • A current utility bill
  • A current driver's license

Once you have those documents gathered, the application process is easy and quick.

Am I Paying AUSD's Parcel Taxes?

To check to see if you are still paying parcel taxes, open your most recent property tax bill.

AUSD's parcel taxes are listed on the right-hand side of your property tax statement. Exemptions are available for these. 

AUSD's bond measures are listed on the left-hand side of the statement.  State law does not allow school districts to offer exemptions for these measures.

an image of a tax bill that shows where parcel taxes appear


Please contact the Parcel Tax Administrator, SCI Consulting Group, at (844) 332-0549 or

An older Asian couple near a flower stand