Agendas & Minutes
The Board of Education holds regular meetings the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM. In addition, the Board holds several Special Board of Education meetings each year, as well as committee and subcommittee meetings.
All regular Board of Education meetings are recorded.
Zoom link for public session of regular Board of Education meetings held in City Hall:
Zoom Meeting ID: 892 1582 9256
NovusAgenda pageAll AUSD Board agendas, minutes, and videos are available on our NovusAgenda page.
This site works best with Internet Explorer.
Upcoming Meetings
* Board agenda items listed are tentative until agenda is published.
Remote Participation
In Person Participation
Upcoming Board Meetings
Board Meeting Format
Board meetings are now being held both in person in the Council Chambers at City Hall (3rd floor of 2263 Santa Clara Avenue) and remotely. AUSD encourages public participation, and community members are welcome to attend and comment either in person or remotely. Please see the instructions below for step-by-step directions on viewing and commenting at Board meetings both in-person and remotely.
Regular Board of Education meetings held at City Hall are livestreamed on the City of Alameda website: