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Graduate Profile

In the fall of 2019, district staff, in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, developed a "graduate profile," a composite of the global skills and dispositions we want for all graduates of our district. This vision of an AUSD graduate serves as a “north star,” or student-centered guide, for the decisions and determinationsbeing made in the development of the 2022 Strategic Plan and its accompanying focus areas, goals, and action plans.


5 AHS graduates

To develop the profile, district staff met with and surveyed staff, students, and community members to gather input on who we want our students to be upon graduation. After reviewing more than 500 graduate profile submissions, district staff developed a draft Graduate Profile that was presented to the Board of Education at its December 10 meeting and approved at the December 17 meeting. (Both presentations are linked on the right-hand side of this page. 


Lindsey Jenkins-Stark, MPP

Sr. Manager of Data, Assessment & Research

(510) 337-7000, x. 77042